Monday, September 30, 2019

Cost benefit analysis CanGo Essay

VIA Consulting has been hired in CanGo’s behalf to assist its management group in the decision making of the implementation of the new operating ASRS system, and we came out with the following financial information and data. CanGo started operating as a small company in 2006. In 2008 the company reported a net profit of $7,000,000 and $15,000,000 for the 2009. The company’s most profitable division has been its online book sale. Due to the fact that CanGo has been increasing its sales and revenue for more than 100%, the company has demonstrate that it is a profitable organization, but at the same time, it has been reporting an increase on client’s complains for a deficient customer service. According to management at the organization, some of the issues are unproductive personnel, the time for an order to be processed is too long, small warehouse space, and short inventory. CanGo is looking for a new operating system that allows them to decrease labor, lower spac e and increase productivity and revenue. An ASRS (Automated storage and retrieval system) consists of a variety of computer-controlled systems for automatically placing and retrieving loads from defined storage locations. This type of system is utilized majorly for companies with a very high volume of loads being moved into and out of storage. The benefits of an ASRS system include reduced labor for transporting items into and out of inventory, reduced inventory levels, more accurate tracking of inventory, and space savings (Wikipedia, 2014). VIA Consulting is going to help CanGo to calculate the costs of the new ASRS system. Utilizing tools like net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR), we will examine and evaluate if the investment will benefit economically the organization. The cost for a new ASRS system is  approximately of $2,000,000 and according with the most recent financial statements, CanGo, Inc. Working capital†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. $132,520,000 Cost of Operations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 32,560,000 Cash inflow†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 58,000.000 Inventory†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 32,000,000 It is necessary to know if the company has the economic resources to acquire the new automated system and finance the cost of operation derived from the project. To find out, we need to know three major costs; Cost of capital, Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The ASRS and costs of operation represent the Cash Outflows, of this project and the revenues and profits represent the Cash Inflow. Looking at the Net Profit, or cash inflow, CanGo has limited capital to invest; however, the company may find the monetary resources through bonds, private investors and banks that are willing to finance the project as long as they receive their dividends or profits. Cost of Capital reflects the minimum amount that a firm must earn on its assets in order for those assets to add value to the firm. On other words, capital is the rate at which assets must provide cash inflows to justify their cost. Therefore, if the rate of return of the net cash flows from a project, includi ng the initial investment and all future net cash flows, exceeds the cost of capital, the project will add to the value of the firm. For example, when the ASRS investment generates a return of 21.31 percent, while the cost of capital was assumed to be 15 percent. The Net Present Value (NPV), is one of the most common methods used to evaluate investments. At its simplest, NPV is the present value computed by using the firm’s cost of capital as the discount rate of cash inflows, minus the present value of cash outflows, including the initial investment. NPV= PV of Cash inflows – PV of Cash Outflow According to the divisional revenues, in 2009, the company reported revenues (Cash Inflow) for $58,000,000 being books the most profitable sales division with $15,000,000. Actually, the company employs 6 operators on the first shift and two operators on the second shift to pick books at the average rate of 45 books per hour, but during heavy demand periods, the pick area  can accommodate eight operators. Salaries expense and machinery and equipment would be the company’s cash outflow. The cash outflow is $2,250,000. NPV= 58,000,000- 2,250,000 =55,750,000 Projects with a positive NPV add value to the firm. Cash inflows and outflows can occur at any time during the project. The NPV of the project is the sum of the present values of the net cash flows for each time period t, where t takes on the values 0 (the beginning of the project) through N (the end of the project). With this formula we can also calculate the time and the amount of money the capital invested in the project will have generate profits. The NPV calculation provides a dollar measure of how much a project is expected to add to a firm’s value. Analysts may also want to know what the rate of return on a project is in order to compare it to the cost of capital. This rate is called the internal rate of return, or IRR. The IRR is the discount rate that makes the present value of the cash inflows equal to the present value of the cash outflows. This is the same as saying that the IRR is the discount rate that makes the net present value equal to zero. The formula that represents the IRR is In conclusion, and taking into consideration the financial data of Divisional Revenues from 2009 for $58,000,000 and cash outflow of $2,250,000 to 3,000,000 (ASRS equipment, labor and other expenses) the new project will allow CanGo to increase productivity from 45 books per hour to double or triple the number of books picked per hour and at the same time employing less people. This will derivate in an increase of net revenue for the company. Also, the employees will be able to more accurately track inventory, and the warehouse will have more space available to keep up to date the inventory. Customers will receive their books faster when the company won’t have to order books from different distributors and wait too long to receive them, and then, packing them and sending them to customers. The employees also will be able to see if they have the ordered book in stock and clients won’t complain for receiving the wrong book(s). VIA  consulting advices CanGo, Inc., that t he new ASRS system will benefit the company increasing productivity and profits for the company. References Retrieved on September 2014, from: Retrieved on September 2014, from:

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Major Functions Of The Skin Health And Social Care Essay

The tegument is the largest organ of the organic structure. Measuring between 1.5 and 2.0 square meters in an grownup, it forms an extended contact country with the environment. This contact presents a assortment of of import challenges, which the tegument must run into in order to protect the organic structure. It besides provides of import chances, which the tegument uses to keep homeostasis.See the challenges and chances posed by contact with the environment and associate them to the major maps of the tegument.The integumental system, dwelling of tegument, hair and nails, act as a barrier to protect the organic structure from the environment. Some challenges and chances posed to the tegument by the environments are ; exposure to sunlight/UV Rays, bacterium, mechanical harm, chemical harm and thermic harm. The integumental system acts as a barrier in three ways: a chemical barrier, a physical barrier and a biological barrier. The integumental system works with the immune system to make a biological barrier. Specialized cells in the tegument discovery and destroy foreign bacteriums. A physical barrier consists of difficult, keratinized cells in the nails, tegument and hair. These cells particularly in tegument and nails help protect the internal variety meats and blood system from external environmental factors. Hair helps to minimalise insects from creeping on the tegument, protect the scalp from physical injury and regulate heat. A chemical barrier is besides due to clamber. The tegument has perspiration secretory organs which secrete substances onto the tegument that stop the reproduction of bacteriums. The tegument besides produces melanin which acts to protect ultraviolet beams from the Sun nevertheless despite melanin ‘s protective factors excessive Sun exposure will finally damage the tegument.2Explain how the constructions of the skin contribute to its maps.35 % 437.5Answer The tegument is the largest organ in the integumental system and has 2 major constituents: the cutaneal membrane or tegument and the accessary constructions. The cutaneal membrane has 2 constituents: the cuticle and the corium. The cuticle is the outer bed of the tegument and the corium is a bed of tegument between the cuticle and hypodermic tissues. The accessary constructions consists of hair, nails and multicellular duct gland secretory organs. The cuticle consists of 5 beds ; the stratum basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum and horny layer. The Stratum basale is the outer bed of tegument, the stratum spinosum is a bed of the cuticle found between the stratum granulosum and stratum basale. [ 1 ] This bed helps to forestall desiccation, the stratum granulosum is the bed between the stratum lucidum and stratum spinosum, the stratum lucidum is a thin, clear bed of dead tegument cells. It is found merely in countries of midst tegument, most perceptibly on the thenar of the custodies and the colloidal suspensions of the pess and eventually the stratum horny layer is the outermost bed and is filled with ceratin, which is made up of dead cells. The corium is responsible for the strength of tegument. Its chief maps are to modulate temperature and to provide the cuticle with nutrient-saturated blood. Much of the organic structure ‘s H2O supply is stored within the corium. The corium contains most of the tegument ‘s specialised cells and constructions, including: Blood vass, lymph vass, hair follicles, perspiration secretory organs, greasy, or oil, secretory organs, nervus terminations, collagen and elastin. The corium bed is made up of two sublayers, the papillose bed, which contains a thin agreement of collagen fibres. The papillose bed supplies foods to choose beds of the cuticle and regulates temperature. The 2nd is the reticular bed which is thicker and made of thick collagen fibres that are arranged in analogue to the surface of the tegument. The reticulate bed strengthens the tegument, supplying construction and snap. A bed of tissue that lies instantly below the corium is the hypodermis or hypodermic tissue. The hypodermis consists chiefly of loose connective tissue and lobules of fat and Acts of the Apostless as an energy modesty. It contains larger blood vass and nervousnesss than those found in the corium. The hypodermis contains: elastic fibres, hempen sets, fat, blood vass, lymphatic vass, hair follicle roots, nervousnesss and musculus. The tegument includes the undermentioned maps ; protection, esthesis, heat ordinance, control of vaporization, storage and synthesis, soaking up, H2O opposition. The constructions of the tegument all work together to keep the of import maps.3You are exerting on a hot twenty-four hours. Explain two ways in which the integumentary system acts to continue homeostasis20 % 250AnswerTwo ways in which the integumentary system acts to continue homeostasis are sudating and vasodilation. Homeostasis is a term for your organic structure ‘s ability to modulate your internal province, and perspiration is an illustration of this. If your organic structure temperature gets excessively high, one of the homeostatic mechanisms used to convey your temp back to normal is sudating. Eccrine perspiration secretory organs are the major perspiration secretory organs of the human organic structure, found in virtually all tegument. Sweat is clear secernment that is chiefly H2O and salt ( sodium chloride ) . Perspiration reaches the tegument via a canal that opens externally as a funnel shaped pore. Eccrine perspiration secretory organs are a extremely efficient portion of the heat regulation system, they are supplied with nervus terminations that cause them to release perspiration when the organic structure ‘s temperature gets excessively high. When perspiration evaporates off the teguments surface it takes organic structure heat with it. On a hot twenty-four hours you could lose up to 7 liters of organic structure H2O. Another manner the integumental system acts to continue homeostasis is vasodilation. Blood vass providing blood to the tegument can swell or distend – called vasodilation. This causes more heat to be carried by the blood to the tegument, where it can be lost to the air nevertheless if the external environment is every bit hot as or hotter than the organic structure the lone manner to let go of heat is through vaporization of sweat. This is an efficient beginning of heat loss every bit long as the air is dry, if it is humid vaporization occurs at a much slower rate go forthing the individual hot and annoyed. When the organic structure cools down the hypothalamus through the autonomic nervous system tells the ‘heat loss ‘ Centre to exchange off.4Indicate how aging affects the tegument and explicate how these alterations affect its normal map.15 %AnswerAs people age their cuticular cell replacing slows therefore the tegument begins to thin ensuing in an addition of bruising and other types of hurt. The lubricating substances provided by the tegument glands that provides immature looking and soft skin start to go less efficient, ensuing in dry itchy tegument. Elastic fibres and collagen fibres become fewer and stiffer so the tegument has much less snap ensuing in furrows. The lessening in Numberss of melanocytes and langerhans cells produced can heighten the hazard of skin malignant neoplastic disease in older age, particularly if alot of ultraviolet beams are absorbed. UV beams are a major part to the celerity of teguments aging. Over clip, the Sun ‘s beams damage certain fibres in the tegument called elastin. The dislocation of elastin fibres causes the tegument to droop and take longer to mend.Aging besides affects things below the tegument ; loss of fat below the tegument may ensue in loosening tegument, bone loss after the age of 60 can do puckering of the tegument around the oral cavity, gristle loss in the nose causes saging of the rhinal tip.Smokers besides tend to hold more furrows than non-smokers of the same age. Skin alterations associated with ageing pose peculiar jobs for nurses caring for aged people.5Outline the nursing rules involved in tegument attention in the aged.15 %AnswerAged patients are prone to clamber cryings, ulcers, scratchs, annoyance and infection particularly if they are diabetic. If proper tegument attention is non adhered to, it can ensue in sores, dry/painful tegument and even sphacelus. When an aged patient is bathing the temperature of the H2O should be warm instead than hot as aged people ‘s tegument does non incorporate as much oil as it one time did, if all the oil is washed off, their tegument is more susceptible to breakage, which can take to infection. A mild soap should ever be used as it is non rough on their tegument and helps forestall it from going prohibitionist. Due to the loss of natural oils in the tegument, it is necessary to use a moisturizing lotion after a bath and multiple times through the twenty-four hours. Using a moisturizer helps cut down the itching, and the likeliness of infection. It is non uncommon for some aged patients to be confined to their bed 24 hours a twenty-four hours. This is when skin attention is critical, particularly if they are incontinent of intestine and vesica, rinsing and drying the country on a regular basis can cut down the hazard of a fungous infection forming. Aged tegument must be observed on a regular basis to look into for alterations such as moles. MARK SHEET. Workbook 3 Integumentary system Question Marks out of 100 Marks Awarded 1st marker 2nd marker Agree 1 15 2 35 3 20 4 15 5 15 Entire 100 Final Agreed Mark Workbook 1 Workbook 2 Workbook 3 Concluding Percentage

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Describe the fieldwork and research you would undertake in order to investigate why some urban areas are in need of rebranding

When investigating why some urban areas need rebranding I would use a range of both primary and secondary data to see what the environmental, economic and social needs for rebranding were. Primary fieldwork I would complete whilst in the area would include: land use surveys, EQS’s, questionnaires, perception surveys, an index of decay and I would also take photos of the area. By using a wide range of primary fieldwork I would be able to see why the area needs rebranding in a range of ways. When completing a land use survey I would use systematic sampling as I would visit every 5th property then make notes on what the property was being used for used for or what service it provided. By completing a land use survey I would be able to see what services there are in the local area and I would also be able to see what state of repair the buildings are in. An EQS allows me to look at the environmental needs of an area as when completing it I am assessing the buildings, traffic, open space and gardens and the general quality of the area. To complete and EQS I would walk around the area and rate each quality on a scale of +2, high, to -2, very poor. Another way of assessing the environmental needs of rebranding is through an index of decay, this would involve walking round the area an assessing the physical conditions of buildings within the area and rating them. This would show the needs of rebranding as if the area is in a state of disrepair then people may not be attracted to the area so the cycle of deprivation continues. To complete both the EQS and index of decay I would use stratified sampling as we already knew something about the area. Opinion based primary fieldwork I would complete whilst investigating the needs of an area includes questionnaires and perception surveys. To complete the questionnaire I would use random sampling to ensure my results reflected a wide range of opinions. Questionnaires would provide me with people’s opinion of the area and can be used to show why rebranding needs to happen. If their opinion suggests that there are a lot of improvements that could be made to the area or that it is lacking services or transport infrastructure then this shows there is a need to rebrand. Questionnaires don’t only show the social needs for rebranding but can show the economic and environmental needs as well, it all depends on what they questions ask. A perception survey also reflects people’s opinions of the area; again I would use random sampling to gain a wide range of results. Perception surveys would allow me to quickly collect people’s opinions as they include close questions. The results would provide me with opinions on the area and also information about improvements people in the area wanted to see. The final piece of primary fieldwork I would complete whilst in the area would be taking pictures, I would take pictures to try and capture the area socially, economically and environmentally. By taking a range of pictures I would be able to see if the results from my surveys fitted what my pictures show. This would help when investigating the needs of rebranding as it would provide visual representation of the area and when comparing the results to an area that has been rebranded the needs would become obvious quickly. Also when investigating the needs of rebranding I would complete secondary research to see if it supports the findings from my primary research. However when using secondary data I would have to be careful that the information was up to date and wasn’t biased. I would use a range of sources to provide me with secondary data such as census data, checkmyfile, crime data, economic activity and government profiles. I would research census data to see how many people in the area are unemployed this would show the economic needs of rebranding. The census data would also provide me with information about the social needs of an area as the census data includes information about education and health care provision in an area. Checkmyfile would also back up the information from the census data as it gives information about unemployment and also gives information about the social demographic of the area. This would help when investigating the needs of rebranding as it could show that the demographic is a certain way because of a poor service provision. Crime data would show the social needs for rebranding as it would show if there are high levels of crime in the area and would give an indication as to how safe the area was. If the results showed there was high crime in the area and the community didn’t feel very safe this would suggest there was a need for rebranding. Economic activity would provide me with information about the local areas economy and where people spent money in the local area. This would help to show the needs of rebranding as if there were few services in the area then there wouldn’t be much spending, it would also show if there was a lot of business in the area. The final piece of secondary data I would research to investigate the needs of rebranding would be government profiles of the are this would provide me with a whole range of social, environmental and economic indicators. When investigating the need for rebranding it is essential that I compare the results from my fieldwork and research to the results of an area that has experienced rebranding so I can look at the differences which would be where the main needs would lie.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Observation #6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Observation #6 - Essay Example I get the idea that women can only excel in the field of fashion and beauty; while, accomplishments and rewards are only for men, which should not be the case in real. This is gender biasing, which the media is portraying very beautifully. The Financial Times is a business magazine, and has some very current and hot news related to the business market. Women are considered as equally proficient gender as men, since the magazine highlights news regarding both men and women equally. April 5, 2013 publication talks about a female consultant chemist, Rachel Edwards-Stuart, and highlights her accomplishment in the lab. Both men and women are shown to be having the same level of intellect, engaging in professional meetings and conferences. The magazine does not portray gender biasing, and I get the idea that both the genders are equally professional in their fields; otherwise, there are many other magazines that emphasize the intellect and wits of men

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The American National Security Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The American National Security Issue - Essay Example The previous weeks, the refinement of ‘no military solution to Islamist problem’ mantra, came from the admiral, who is also the public spokesman of the Pentagon. In his press conference with the journalist, something akin to America is fighting an ideology that military power had no ability to defeat came out (Byman, 2014). No questions concerning the ideology materialized on the spoken date with the journalists. From the above events, it is easier to conclude that neither the journalist nor the admiral has ever came across the notion called National Socialism. The National Socialism, utterly overcome by the military ability of the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union. In addition to the above, the American Civil War by Grant Sheridan and Sherman used unrelenting military force to guarantee individual rights and freedom. In my view, the Islamic State is one of the many United States military ally. The view of the politicians that the military is not worth a tinker in fighting the mujahideen rebels is a cover up of the truth. One of the underlying factors to these sentiments, is on the fact that the larger organization of the IS holds large arrays of material assets that are more likely to get permanently destroyed if aerial attacks occur (Byman, 2014).

Understanding the New Digital Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Understanding the New Digital Economy - Essay Example The rapid development brought about in the areas of technology has also boosted up one crucial factor which cannot be ignored when it comes sustainable and continued economic growth (Gumah & Jamaluddin, n.d.). This crucial factor can be commonly referred to as the communication process. In relation to the above fact, communication can be considered as a vital factor contributing to the social and cultural development of an economy. Through the effective use of communication, multiple business processes has come up and are expected to flourish in the later years. More specifically, the entire concept of globalization can be stated to have been dependent on technology. As for the current marketing trend, the entire business world has turn digitised. At present, people across the world can be widely seen to be eager to perform digital or online marketing with the sole purpose of saving both time as well as money. Although the concept of digitization is not so old but it has got a great perspective in terms of acting as an economic development factor (Gumah & Jamaluddin, n.d.). Digitization in general can be seen to be promoting trade which in turn benefiting the economy in myriad ways (Gumah & Jamaluddin, n.d.). The main objective of this discussion is to evaluate and understand the new digital economy. This topic also includes sub parts such as understanding of the aspects which have directly or indirectly contributed towards transition of traditional economy into a new digitised economy. This section will comprise of the thoughts and ideas of few authors who seem have quoted in context to this topic. As per the Strategy Dynamic Global SA (2013), technology have helped multiple nation in segregating their ‘ previous economic stance’, ‘education system’ and ‘social obligations’. This group also quoted that the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Rationale and Teaching Episode Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Rationale and Teaching Episode - Assignment Example These cultural differences and preferences affect effective curriculum implementation in Australia. Curriculum is able to mobilize understanding of culture in Australian Society through various ways which are practical in nature. This is because it is able to instill good schooling system standards in an effort to impart knowledge to the Australian Indigenous population (Phillips & Lampert, 2005).Since some cultures are associated with bad habits or practices that does promote crime rate. For instance, alcohol is known to be a common antecedent to offending among the Indigenous Australians. This indicates that it is a factor contributing to the high crime rate of all the indigenous Australian people. The crime culture has led to the establishment of committee whose role amongst others include having initiatives on ways of diverting any cultural practice that promotes crime in one way or the other. The drop in crime and certain cultural practices enables good environment for promoting education standards. Curriculum specialist provides the avenue for promoting education system even to the Indigenous Australians. For instance, it is quoted that every indigenous young people with self education support fund is to be assisted. This is by promoting their participation which then enables their retention in the education system (Phillips & Lampert, 2005). ... At this point there is across culture mix. The system of education must support this in order to strengthen the population. Teachers have a daunting tusk in playing a crucial role to ensure that existing curriculum system is implemented effectively across the divide (Phillips & Lampert, 2005). In identification of multicultural classroom setting, the international students, indigenous Australian and non indigenous Australians come together irrespective of the cultural differences among them. The teacher must have a definite approach to the scenario in away of implementing the curriculum effectively (Clancy, 2004). In this case, there are several individual differences some of which includes personal interest, gender, nationality, hobbies among others. Curriculum enhances cultural understanding and confirms that the presence of unique identities within several families from different communities which contributes to the greater concept of being Australian .All these need to be integra ted in the cultural teaching (Clancy, 2004). Make up of classes should promote social cohesion plus cultural diversification of various communities. Emphasis on cultural diversity should also exist in monoculture classes just as it exists in multicultural classroom setting. There should also be an emphasis on the Australian identity. When the name of the greater nation is shared among different personalities, this enhances unity and promotes social understanding of people of different cultures (Bell, 1998). In the school setting, the most appropriate thing to be done is to expand students’ knowledge on their identity. The students should also be urged to develop tolerance and understanding amongst themselves and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Features of Service Operations Management Essay

Features of Service Operations Management - Essay Example Businesses can opt to stay in current markets, move on to new domestic markets or venture out to new foreign markets. Depending upon the markets and strategic tie-ups, the enterprises then have to decide whether to continue with existing products or develop new ones. Organizations prepare strategies for long term survival and consistent growth. Operational management encompasses the contribution of all concerned stakeholders in order to achieve the objectives. Now organizations are supposed to have multiple objectives, monetary as well as non-monetary. They are supposed to have flexibility to meet changing external and internal demands. This paper is an effort to study the role of operational management, how the operational strategies keep changing as the organisation grows and how operational management strategies can addresses the speed to market of new products and services and the responsiveness to the demands of customers. The operations system of an organisation is essentially the part that produces the organisations' products. In some organisations the product happen to be physical goods (like TV refrigerator, soft-drinks etc), while in others it is service (insurance, health care, travel, tourism, hotel etc.). The products and services belong to various categories and fields, but all such diverse organisations have one thing in common within their operations systems, that is, the conversion process (Everett E Adam et al, 1995). There are some inputs into the process and after the conversion process, there are some outputs. The quality of these outputs depends upon the how the organisation manages its operations. Traditionally, a conversion process that includes manufacturing (or production) yields a tangible output, while a conversion process that includes service yields an intangible output. But in today's business there is no such dividing line, because the horizon of 'services' has been widened. At times, both of them are interdependent and appear to be overlapping in nature. Manufacturing organisation requires the services like transportation, communication, promotion etc. to procure the supply of materials, manager the supply and distribution channels, be in touch with the customers and suppliers, plan marketing communication strategies, manage the financial accounts of the company etc. Similarly many services organisations depend upon the manufacturing sector for the business. Services too are undergoing a transformation from the traditional concept of a service transaction to one of an experience (A. Fitzsimmons, Mona J. Fitzsimmons, 2005). For the operations management the general goal is to create some kind of value-added product or service, so that the outputs are worth more to consumers than just the sum of the individual inputs. Services oriented businesses now try to do the value addition by way of providing a valuable experience while dealing with them. For exam ple the retail showrooms like Tesco, Asda, Woolworth, Wal-Mart etc. all take pride in the fact that they provide their customers a big operating space, whole range of products and a wonderful shopping experience. From a humble beginning these stores have grown up owing to sound strategic moves and operational management. It was in the year 1919 that Jack Cohen founded Tesco, when he began to sell surplus groceries from a stall in the East End of London (Tesco, 2006). In those days his

Monday, September 23, 2019

Trifles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Trifles - Essay Example at times to keep the victim stay in the relationship because the latter may think that the abusive spouse has improved although it does not happen, and hatred and rebellion develops within the abused spouse. We can judge how that hatred developed within Minnie Wright’s heart, so much so that she was compelled to get rid of her cruel husband, once and for all. Your Highness! Have we ever pondered upon why mostly women are killers in homicides? The reason is the aforementioned fact that when husbands physically or mentally abuse their wives, the latter develop such mental problems and anxiety disorders that lead them to kill their husbands and get rid of the abuse once and for all. We can also assume, in Minnie Wright’s case, that she was so mentally disturbed due to the domestic abuse she was suffering at the hands of her husband, that she did not give the decision of killing him a second thought, and did what she thought was right for her at that moment. Minnie Wright had developed complete hatred for all men, as on one instance she said, â€Å"I’d hate to have men coming into my kitchen, snooping around and criticizing† (Glaspell). This statement shows that she has stereotyped men as beings who are always snooping around and criticizing, which might have been the traits of her husband too. This is the most critical aspect of domestic abuse, that is, the victim starts categorizing other people of the same gender or age as being the same as the abuser. So, Minnie Wright cannot be claimed as a guilty woman, as she was a victim of domestic abuse. Furthermore, there is much evidence that the women have found regarding the domestic abuse. The condition of the kitchen, the quilt, the broken door of the bird cage, and the dead canary, are enough to prove that the couple had had a sever fight before the incident occurred. The statement, â€Å"There was a man around last year selling canaries cheap, but I don’t know as she took one; maybe she did. She used to sing

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Platos Socrates Essay Example for Free

Platos Socrates Essay In order for the concept of wisdom to carry any viable weight in the affairs of the world, it is necessary for said concept to acknowledge the link between wisdom as an abstract idea and wisdom as a guiding principle for pragmatic action. Although other thinkers within the list of writers and philosophers we have studies do promote the idea of wisdom as a pragmatically applied force; Henry David Thoreaus interpretation of wisdom and its applications in human life and in human society seems to me the most reasonable interpretation among those we have studied so far. Thoreaus basic idea of wisdom is relative easy to understand adn emerges, not from abstract philosophical discourse, but from the vantage point of everday life: Does Wisdom work in a tread-mill? or does she teach how to succeed by her example? Is there any such thing as wisdom not applied to life? (Thoreau 118) By asking these questions in connection to the idea of wisdom, Thoreau makes it obvious that he regards wisdom as a method of defining nd helping to instruct human behavior and not merely human thought. Interestingly enough, while Thoreaus definition of wisdom is steeped in the practical and the pragmatic, he admonishes his readers and listeners not to confuse materialism and wisdom, that is, not to mistake the pragmatic of earning a living with the pragmatics of wisdom: It is pertinent to ask if Plato got his living in a better way or more successfully than his contemporaries,or did he[ ] find it easier to live, because his aunt remembered him in her will? The ways in which most men get their living, that is, live, are mere makeshifts, and a shirking of the real business of life,chiefly because they do not know, but partly because they do not mean, any better, (Thoreau 118). The application of Thoreaus pragmatic vision of wisdom may elude some observers; however, Thoreau, himself, illustrates the application of his idea of wisdom by turning his sights to the gold rush fever which enveloped his contemporaries: Did God direct us so to get our living, digging where we never planted,and He would, perchance, reward us with lumps of gold? (Thoreau 119) where, obviously, Thoreaus hang up with gold-rushers is not their pursuit of earning a living, per se, but with the folly of their believing that gold can, in and of itself, replace the need for wisdom: I did not know that mankind was suffering for want of gold. I have seen a little of it. I know that it is very malleable, but not so malleable as wit. A grain of gold will gild a great surface, but not so much as a grain of wisdom,; where Thoreuas ironic contrast of gold and wisdom leaves little doubt, in the end, as to which he views as more crucial to humanity. (Thoreau 119) 2. Whose view of wisdom (Socrates, Thoreau, Huxley, Pieper, or Frankl) seems to be the least reasonable? Why? Although Platos Socratic writings on the nature and meaning of justice achieve and inner-harmony and function in logical consistency with the rest of his ideas regarding ethics, aesthetics, and civics, Socrates view of wisdom, as defined by Plato, strikes me as the least rational of the theories and ideas we have studied. Far be it for me or anyone else to accuse Plato of leaving holes in his theory of wisdom; that is not the issue so much as the circclar nature of Platos reasoning which leads me to feel that the concepts of wisdom which are described by Socrates offer very little in the way of practical application in life and seem more like abstract ideas meant to stimulate those who enjoy pondering theory, rather than to assist those who are truly seeking applicable means for wisdom in daily life. Primarily, it is Socrates insistence that wisdom exists beyond the human appreciation of it, which seems to cripple the overall argument on the nature of what comprises wisdom: Socrates considers there to be two general sorts of knowledge, one which makes its possessor wise and one which does not. Socrates, and others too, can confidently and quite correctly claim to have a number of instances of the latter sort; but no human being can rightly claim to have the former sort, since no human being has ever attained the wisdom Socrates himself disclaims having when he professes ignorance, (Brickhouse, and Smith 31). true enough, Socrates humility in professing himself to be without wisdom has puzzled observers adn scholars for quite some time; however, the admission that wisdom exists, apart from human understanding, nd must be pursued even to the point of admitting that it cannot be attained, leaves the entire issue of wisdom up in the air form a pragmatic point of view. Socrates may believe that human wisdom is of little or no value (23a6-7). What would be of great value, if only he had itnamely, real wisdomSocrates and all others lack. The greatest wisdom for human beings, as we have just seen, is the recognition that we are in truth worth nothing in respect to wisdom (Brickhouse, and Smith 33) and this type of vision is, of course, another variation on a religious or metaphysical concept: that of Divine Wisdom. For Socrates, wisdom is an abstract power deemed tor reside within the Divine consciousness but only sparingly in human consciousness. I would say that nay definition of wisdom which fails to forward a concrete, pragmatic application as pertains to human society and individual behavior is worthwhile only from a purely intellectual point of view. Works Cited Brickhouse, Thomas C. , and Nicholas D. Smith. Platos Socrates. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995. Harding, Walter, ed. Thoreau: A Century of Criticism. Dallas, TX: Southern Methodist University Press, 1954. Thoreau, Henry David. The Major Essays of Henry David Thoreau. Ed. Richard Dillman. Albany, NY: Whitston Publishing, 2001.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Jesus Rejected At Nazareth Theology Religion Essay

Jesus Rejected At Nazareth Theology Religion Essay 54  Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue,  and they were amazed.Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers. they asked.  55  Isnt this the carpenters son?  Isnt his mothers  name Mary, and arent his brothers  James, Joseph, Simon and Judas?  56  Arent all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?57  And they took offense  at him. But Jesus said to them,  Only in his hometown and in his own house is a prophet without honor.  58  And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith. Introduction: The aforementioned verses are from Matthew of New Testament and the authorship of the book weather it was written by Mathew himself or not is in question itself. Matthew was tax collector in his early life. Harrington(1991, pp.8) mentions though this Gospel is called anonymous but we still can find the evangelist and his community to be from Jewish background. In the above given verses, it talks about Jesus being rejected at his home town when he returns from his ministry. If we follow the accounts in synoptic gospels, Jesus rejection has been mentioned in Mark 6:1-6, Matthew 13:54-58 and Luke 4:16-30.France (2007, pp.20) states that it was widely accepted Matthew was first Gospel until middle of nineteenth century and for more than a century it was considered Mark as first and Matthew and Luke drew on Mark, along they had access to some source called as Q. The incident takes place in Nazareth. The verses includes Jesus and the people of Nazareth as parties of communication. Before rejection story Matthew mentions about Jesus using parable to teach his disciples. The above passage are full of implications, people were in tolerant of his visit due to his ministry at the place. He is pointed not as a messiah rather as a common labor, they were not ready to accept him anything else than a common carpenters son. Mathew 58 sums up he did not performed many mighty works because of their unbelief. Whereas Mark 5 says he could not do many might works but heal some people there. Both agree that Jesus did performed some miracles in his hometown. Mathew put it as Jesus did not performed much miracles because of their unbelief irrespective of what they saw. it is not that he could not rather limited himself because of their unbelief. Body: In this part we try to scrutinize the rejection from different perspective. This is a unique pericope where Jesus does not stand as a central theme rather other characters are dominant in the story . View of pericope through Mark : Mark talks about parables in 4:1-34 and the rejection story in 6:1-6, but the middele of those two incident are filled with Jesus miracles ,Jesus calms the storm (Mark 4:35-41), restoring Demon-possessed man (Mark5:1-20) and raising a dead girl and healing a sick woman (Mark 5:21-43).As Rudolf Schnackenberg, In Mark 6:1-6, Jesus rejection in Nazareth is recorded by way of intentional contrast with his cures in Mark 5. In Mark the rejection story starts after Jesus healed the lady and little child (Mark 5:21-42). So through this verse Mark tells us Jesus can do miracle and had worked. But when he visits Nazareth, the people there cannot accept the wisdom and miracles of Jesus with the ordinary Jesus they knew as. So Marks writes about Jesus not being able to do much miracles. Mark here tries to show the emphasis on importance of relationship between faith and miracles View of pericope through Matthew .Whereas Matthew talks less about miracles. There are no supporting miracles ahead of these above verses. In Mark, the people ask about numerous question at a time about wisdom, origin and miracles as they cannot relate this with common man. While we go through Matthew we come to the verses appear after parable discourse. Also it focuses on teaching of Jesus rather than miracles. Here Matthew tries to show Jesus himself chooses not to show miracles to people because of their unbelief. 54: When he visits Nazareth he teaches people in synagogue and gives them messages of God when he delivers it people are taken in surprise but they lacks the faith to believe it was Jesus who did it. Nazarens asks. Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous power? Here we can read people knew what Jesus was saying is wise and he had miraculous power but they can only remember him being carpenters son. 55-56: The mention of Jesus family and its members is to disrespect or to show that he was from socially lower origin. And when the verses it to complete Matthew states, Where then did this person get all this? (which we cannot read in Mark). 57: 58: Matthew focuses on unbelief of people of Nazarens for less miracles of Jesus whereas Mark only concerns about Jesus lack of miracles. Conclusion: Unbelief is negative attitude and it is always disheartening. Jesus after his long ministry out of his hometown comes back to home with remembrances of friends and family. But his town mates at Nazareth refuses to acknowledge his wisdom, his teaching and his mission as they identified Jesus with his ordinary childhood. When Jesus limits himself with miracles its not because he could not rather it was his will. Now we can see the significance of the whole story. It is narrated as a rejection story in midst of miracles and wisdom. But the vitality of the story lies in part of Jesus and his reaction to whole rejection. Matthew convinces us that despite what Jesus has to hear from his hometown folks he stands strong and confronts the rejection. He wins a battle of rejection with a rejection to show many of his mighty deeds. He does so because he Jesus knew its not worth to change unbelief through miracles. This pericope on the rejection of Jesus at Nazareth is followed by rejection and death of John. Immediately after rejection by his people, Matthew tells us about death of John in Matthew 14:6-10, here we can also see how the teaching of Jesus have been rejected by a ruler of his home town.